by admin | Oct 5, 2022 | Podcast
Time stamped show notes: [:53] Introduction to Dean Sutton [2:51] How things came to be for him. How bigger things came through after he was successful. [7:34] Got research from NASA that said you could get many biomarkers from a single drop of blood [8:39] Merged two...
by admin | Oct 5, 2022 | Podcast
Time stamped show notes: [01:12] What has made him what he is today. [01:27] He left prison with $25 in his pocket. [08:17] Drive has taken him to where he's at. [13:00] Without sales the world would be full of cool things no one knows about. [13:56] If...
by admin | Oct 5, 2022 | Podcast
Time stamped show notes: [:33] What has brought Brandon to this moment? What is his mission in the world? [2:16] The driving force is connecting others to have a positive impact [3:30] The moment he felt compelled to share his story [6:47] You are a vessel...
by admin | Oct 5, 2022 | Podcast
Time stamped show notes: [1:27] UPW experience [5:15] Current state of the business. Gap she's trying to fill. [7:40] Thing that shifted her from her old life to her new life. [10:25] Business needs 4 things: (1) leads, (2) sales, (3) value delivery and (4)...
by admin | Oct 5, 2022 | Podcast
Time stamped show notes: [00:05] Introduction to Trevor Crane [04:13] For people to have an emotional connection to you they need to know about your failures. [04:33] What led him to where he is today [05:54] He's lost everything twice.. [06:18] Took him over...