Time stamped show notes:
[0:20] Being a Navy veteran, interesting stories about world travel and leadership
[01:12] Stories about his parents and childhood
[01:49] By age of 18, he moved 36 times.
[2:51] Mental breakdown resulting in being removed from the service
[3:06] Sent to a department where they send all the younger Navies
[04:46] He was helping his colleagues with coaching and processes
[04:51] Started a coaching business
[05:13] Being grateful for his depression
[08:06] Transition still in process and will never end
[08:42] Focus on growing connection with his family after being gone for 20 years
[09:45] Taking it one thing at a time
[26:45] Watching Myths and Monsters
[27:11] We all have myths in our stories.
[28:12] We have the ability to imagine.
[34:18] Accomplishments
[37:15] Teaching his children to make empowering choices
[38:53] Inspired and committed people can change the world.
[43:15] Always ask questions; continue to ask why.
[45:29] Ability to respond and react based from Viktor Frankl Book
[45:55] Defense is the first act of war.
[54:55] Parting words from Ryan: Every single person you pass on the street give a loving response to.
[55:14] The two types of communication
Three key points:
- Being a Navy veteran turned entrepreneur
- Always take one thing at a time.
- Inspired and committed peoples can change the world.
Resources mentioned:
- Myths and Monsters – documentary series
- Reacting vs Funding by Viktor Frankl (book)