Welcome to Make More Marbles Podcast, in this episode of “Mastermind for Entrepreneurs” with Dan Mangena ( Author, motivational speaker and Radio Host ). He is best known for his book Money Game.

Dan likes to look at his life as a trilogy, as he writes his third book which he started writing in 2018. He also explains how his first section of this trilogy is where he was able to be successful very young, which unfortunately was a blessing and a curse. Unless you know how to manage success, and how to hold it, the sooner that success will go away. And the younger and more arrogant you are, the messiest that experience is going to be.

He goes over his up and downs of his entrepreneur timeline. He also covers what he has done so far and his future plans.

Brad and Dan also get into meditation and its benefits. But, Dan will give you a different perspective that you don't want to miss.

They also cover the global perspective of an entrepreneur, specially Dan by having immigrant parents from Zimbabwe and also living in multiple places around the world, which helped him greatly to get a global entrepreneur perspective.

Get my book at https://8minutemastermind.com

If you want to schedule a call with us for help building your mastermind group or online business, go here: https://buildamastermind.com/schedule-now
Check out this episode!