Accelerate Your Business Using This AI Tools

Welcome to another episode of Make More Marbles Podcast with Brad Hart with guest Mike Koenigs (Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker & Influencer).

Mikes talks about his “free zone” meeting with a strategic coach Dan Sullivan. And how his main goal is to spend more time doing what I love and what he is great at.

How getting older can be scary, specially when we start contemplating death, as friends and family also age. And how much more we learn to appreciate each day a lot more as we get older.

He also talks about his AI Sales Multiplier Tool, and how AI is changing the world as we know it. How can technology “multiply your value” when use correctly, and how it can make you 100x more productive.

Some of the tools Mike uses are;

Brad also brings up charity solutions for entrepreneurs and how to make the most impact around the world.

Brad's favorite's charity organizations are;

Feed America
Charity Navigator

Mike talks about the UPs and DOWNs of running a charity organization.

The best part of America is the fast that our government support philanthropic giving and deducts that positive behavior. But there are also nutty rules that came after many people took advantage of the system.

Brad and Mike also talk in detail, sharing their secrets, learned through years of experience, about how to have a good live event. And, how to get the most contact information from the audience.

Some of the biggest take-away from one of Mike's latest private group speech about staging;

Referral parties
Arriving a day in advance
Getting to know the staff

Thanks to: Flight Club Mastermind and Glen Ledwell.

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As always if you need anything just reach out to us at and please feel free to follow us for more great content on all social media platforms.

Video Transcript:

Welcome to make more marvels. My name is Brad Hart and I am blessed and so excited to have Mike Koenigs on the podcast today.

So very excited to chat with you. And there's a few things I have some notes on but first I want to just really get a sense of you know, what is what is on your heart right now what's what's you know, lighting up your soul.

Well, I just finished up a something called a free zone meeting with strategic coach. So I've been in strategic coach for 10 years now and I do a podcast with Dan Sullivan. And one of the things that Dan does is we do these exercises. He calls them thinking exercises or thinking tools and one of the things that I brought up today after he went through this really intense process, and I shared something I think about a lot but it really hit me hard today which is simpler and fewer doesn't mean less and to me the word more has to do with increasing value.

So life gets better when I simplify. That means having harder rules, no messy middle, faster nose slower, yeses and deeper and more meaningful, Increases Intimacy.

I want to give a big shout out to Dan Sullivan, who's been in my sphere a lot lately. reading his books. Thank you, Dan. Yeah, everything you're doing with AI and the cutting edge of tech. I'm interested in all that stuff. But like, you know, when you when you speak about what we're losing as a society you know, the one of the greatest generations ever to be like my grandfather was a world
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