Time stamped show notes:

[0:55] She's loving her life and new found freedom.

[1:47] San Diego is too easy to love.

[2:41] Top places she'd like to live.

[3:40] What key pieces have allowed her to travel and set up a freedom lifestyle

[5:47] Things people shouldn't miss if they go to New Zealand

[7:49] Is traveling to New Zealand/Australia thing?

[9:17] A lot of Americans are buying land in New Zealand — “planning their escape routes.”

[10:02] Business climate in New Zealand

[11:26] New Zealand is like an incubator. You can start there and then expand if the idea works.

[14:05] Places she wants to cross off the bucket list

[16:41] Challenge is to set up a company to be able to travel the world

[18:26] She uses free workshops, podcasts call to action, blog challenges, Facebook Live.

[19:34] Things that she wishes people were reading/consuming to achieve the lifestyle she has

[21:04] She recommends doing courses online through EdX.

[23:32] What she is excited about [future]

[24:51] What is CrowdCube?

[26:57] Advice she would give to her former self 10 years ago

[27:26] No one will believe in you as much as you will.

[27:51] What are the next steps in her journey? [1-5 years]

[29:14] Her new venture

Three key points:

  1. A lot of Americans are buying land in New Zealand — “planning their escape routes.”
  2. New Zealand is like an incubator. You can start there and then expand if the idea works.
  3. Do courses on EdX to learn and expand thought.

Resources mentioned:

CrowdCube – https://www.crowdcube.com/

Last Question:

Go to www.right2freedom.com and fill survey.

Listen to The Freedom Podcast.

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