Time stamped show notes:
[1:09] Joe's journey – He was in the corporate world and stumbled upon content marketing.
[1:32] Launched his company in 2007 (like the eHarmony for content marketing)
[1:52] Started a blog at the same time.
[2:00] The product failed so he went through feedback and noticed the blog was gaining traction.
[2:30] He used the audience from the blog to pivot the brand.
[6:] Why content marketing is important | Top things every content marketing should know
[7:49] Don't post everywhere. Ask yourself what that content is going to solve for your audience and then pick a platform.
[8:12] Build an audience and then build an email list.
[12:59] If you're prolific and consistent, your talent has no other choice but to catch up with you.
[13:22] Focus on getting 1% better, because it compounds.
[15:32] Just start somewhere. Get practice. Get things out there.
[16:52] If you don't get up and do something, nothing changes.
[17:23] What he [Joe] wishes everyone knew about his industry or life
[18:52] Take some time and figure out what you have to offer.
[19:33] Do a list of things that you don't like to do, or you're not good at, and find someone to do them.
[19:52] You can be an entrepreneur and not have employees. You can have contractors.
[22:36] Sell it before you create.
[24:30] You sell by what you communicate.
[27:06] Don't micromanage. Trust people to get it done. Let them find the way.
[38:43] Look at the problem and ask why.
[38:16] Wealth creation is solving people's problems.
Three key points:
- Don't post everywhere. Ask yourself what that content is going to solve for your audience and then pick a platform.
- If you're prolific and consistent, your talent has no other choice but to catch up with you.
- Don't micromanage. Trust people to get it done. Let them find the way.
Last question:
Orange Effect Foundation – funds to get autistic kids speech therapy services. He wants to scale it. How you can help? Donate or if you know someone that needs speech therapy, go to http://theorangeeffect.org/ and they will help you find those funds.
How people can contact him: www.joepulizzi.com/
Twitter: @JoePulizzi