Time stamped show notes:

[0:49] About Skymind – Artificial Intelligence company, bringing AI out of the lab and into the real world

[2:00] People should know: AI is just math and code, not magic.

[4:05] The thing AI and capitalism have in common: they are accelerants.

[6:34] AI will introduce us to more environments to try and serve our needs better.

[9:16] Consistency can move mountains and carve rivers and mountains.

[10:49] As chips get more powerful, AI can get powerful.

[12:43] What is quantum computer?

[15:25] What would quantum supremacy achieve?

[18:34] We need to gather data on what type of art causes each emotion so that then we can produce meaningful art.

[19:24] He believes we can create really strong AI, which might be stronger than us.

[22:13] We program AI's values. They learn from what we teach them.

[24:25] Collaboration is the way we win.

[25:50] Sarcasm kills intimacy.

[27:06 ] He was born in Montana – a very rural state. He realized that there's a big world out there that has to be explored.

[27:31] He felt like he had to leave Montana to grow economically and mentally.

[28:07] The great divide is urban vs. rural (especially in the USA now).

[28:39] He worked as a journalist for 10 years.

[29:08] Paris is no longer welcoming to artists. Now it's very bourgeois.

[30:00] He learned to code in the evenings while being a journalist. And then he went to work for a company where he met his co-founder.

[31:19] He never thought he would be the head of a company. He had to grow into it.

[31:43]  Being the head of a company is a big moral project: to give people a place they can work, where they have a supportive work environment, and make sure everyone is communicating well.

[32:20] Leadership lesson he's learned: communicate more – get in contact and listen.

[33:25] They (at Skymind) communicate asynchronously.  

[33:43] They (at Skymind) use Basecamp.

[33:52] They (at Skymind) schedule weekly calls.

[34:02] Live conversation is better than an email. Make an effort to get on the phone.

[36:27] Skymind is working toward profitability. They just had their first $1M year.

[41:13] AI starts with the collection of data and it has to be aligned with the outcomes you want to predict.

[42:25] What he wishes to leave the world as his legacy/words of wisdom: for people to follow their nose when finding what their passion is and what they want to create

Three key points:

  1. People should know: AI is just math and code, not magic.
  2. Leadership lesson he's learned: communicate more – get in contact and listen.
  3. Live conversation is better than an email. Make an effort to get on the phone.

Resources mentioned:

Basecamp – Project Manager

Last question:

They need to execute their plan to make their product better to build a whole organization of repeatable sales.

Talent is a choke point for him. Finding the right fit for the company.

Check out this episode!