Welcome to another episode of Make More Marbles Podcast with Brad Hart. In this episode we go through a complete offer process with Julian Castle (Founder & CEO of A-LIST).
If you want to be part of our next offer challenge please go to Craftyourofferchallenge.com
Unlock the Power of Masterminds for Your Business!
Only available for a limited time.
Brad's shares his own strategy step-by-step in less than 40min! His steps include analyzing the outcome, assets, goals, sales call and pitch strategies.
Lever, vision and value and how important they are to run a mastermind.
Vision, volume, consistency, discipline are some of the main elements that can lead you to success.
Clarity is the main thing, your client needs to be 100% clear of what they want or need.
If you want to schedule a call with us for help building your mastermind group or online business, go here: https://buildamastermind.com/schedule-now
:: Other helpful links ::
Grab my books here: http://8minutemastermind.com
Our Next Event: MastermindToMillions.live
Skool Group: http://marbles.link/m2mgroup
MMM: MakeMoreMarbles.com
Three Buckets: MoneyMastermind.live/3buckets
Block Dash: BlockDash.com
Free Course: BlockDash.com/Free-Course
Motorcycle Club: MotorcycleMastermind.com
As always if you need anything just reach out to us at support@makemoremarbles.com and please feel free to follow us for more great content on all social media platforms.
Check out this episode!