Time stamped show notes:
[0:18] Where she is today and how she got there
[1:14] Unlocking leadership potential for girls in East Africa
[1:44] Getting out of abuse to become a voice against it
[2:53] Story telling leadership
[5:02] Small world in entrpreneurship
[6:30] Ayla's work through partnerships
[7:40] The importance of stories being told human-to-human
[8:26] Scale and control: The balance in between
[11:04] Technology bringing others closer together and
[12:34] Community Organizing
[13:20] Addressing the present but planning for the future
[14:12] A world covered in the internet
[15:06] Being believed in is powerful
[16:07] The scary side of being believed in
[16:50] Destress vs. Eu-stress
[18:04] Be oneself
[18:36] True leadership
[20:00] Take imperfect action
[21:12] Changing economy can start with changing lives
[21:50] No single “right” answer
[22:32] Planning is everything, plans are nothing
[24:20] C.R.O.P.S. (Connect Resources Opportunity People and Systems)
[25:08] Lots of imperfect action is the only way to win
[26:08] Don't waste time preparing
[26:26] Don't over prepare to where you second guess yourself
[27:57] We are the co-creators of our reality
[28:05] Here to connect the dots
[29:20] Smart humans who care are our most important resource
[32:02] Using the resources at your disposal
[33:34] Not wasting time and resources has no growth
[34:10] Magic in the mess
[35:14] Ayla has a goalpost
[36:40] Ayla always has a mission
[38:10] Scale
[38:48] People she wants to connect and be with
Three key points:
- Leadership is not leading a revolution but instead leading, or even being a part of leading, change. Whatever form that change may be is still a form of being a leader
- Over-preparing is a waste of time. Makes you second guess things
- Entrepreneurship is important but we shouldn't obsess with it. Instead, we need to find solutions that are working and cocreate those. Connecting people to good ideas
Resources mentioned:
Giver Work – book
Last Question:
Looking for smart people (2 open positions). Also need people who can be mentors, advisors, board members, people who have experience with scaling a service delivery.
They're recruiting US based ambassadors.
Need monetary help as well
Reach out to her at: www.resonateworkshops.org. Sign up for newsletter.
Follow on social media (Twitter, Facebook): @rworkshops
Her email: ayla at resonateworkshops dot org