Is building a personal brand among your top priorities? It should be.

Building a personal brand is a marketing strategy that focuses on your most important product: YOU.

It requires figuring out who you really are, including skills, values and personality, and who you want to serve.

Today I'm here with mogul of fashion and real estate, Mr. Mike Zeller.  He's going to explain his best strategies for creating a personal brand online, including blogging, video, podcasting, and much more.

I'm going to share all the strategies that I have used to build Make More Marbles, as well as my branding, to get published in magazines like Forbes and Entrepreneur. Less sexy but still supremely important, you can get featured in many popular blogs around the Internet become a guest on multiple popular podcasts as well, using the exact same strategies.

So if you want to learn the best strategies for building a personal brand, you'll want to watch this video and download the amazing productivity hacks cheat sheet below this video, which will help you to reclaim more of your time that you can build the personal brand you love to leverage the assets that you already have to help serve more people, earn more money, and have more time.

How To Build A Personal Brand


Video Notes

Learn Productivity hacks and watch more of Mike Zeller's Training Video.

Looking for tips, ideas, hacks and strategies to do it? Watch the video above and download our free 10 page challenge guide here!

Further Reading and Resources

Stand Out Social Marketing: How to Rise Above the Noise, Differentiate Your Brand, and Build an Outstanding Online Presence

Build your Own Brand By Robin Landa

Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future

Make a Name for Yourself

The Complete Guide to Building your Personal Brand

Impressions: The Power of Personal Branding in Living an Extraordinary Life

Personal Branding For Dummies