We help entrepreneurs and investors to make more money, help more people and have more fun!

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Our mission is to help create a collaborative community-  one that helps you gain the freedom and abundance you crave by showing you how to build assets that pay you for years, and create the life of your dreams.

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Make More Marbles Founder Brad Hart is…

…part of a tribe of abundant-minded creators who are changing the way that business is being played.

peAs an experienced entrepreneur, investor, trader, advisor, and mentor to people who want more from their life, Brad has dedicated his life to mentoring entrepreneurs and investors of all ages and backgrounds.

After a career in real estate and finance, he learned how to trade options- then, he was just 26 years old, built a hedge fund that returned 106% net of expenses in 2013, quadrupling the S&P 500 returns for the same year. 

Since then, his work has been featured multiple times in Forbes, Time, Entrepreneur and countless others. His articles have been read over 1,000,000 times. Brad's podcast has been home to billionaires like Naveen Jain, top health experts like Dr Stephen Gundry, and influencers like Tucker Max. 

Make More Marbles is the recipient of the coveted 2 Comma Club Award for earning $1M+ with a funnel, as well as a top 10 (out of 5000+) affiliate for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. He was selected out of 1000 participants to be one of 5 speakers and trainers for Tony and Dean's Mastermind.com brand. He has been a part of over 50 masterminds, launched a dozen himself, and is the author of The 8 Minute Mastermind, an international bestseller, as well as the 8 Minute Money Manager. 

Brad is an NLP Master Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, and sought after speaker and facilitator. He holds a life insurance license and has held a Series 65 license. 

Brad believes that you don't need to know everything if you know everybody, and relies on not only his experience but his massive network of like minded Go – Givers in order to get clarity on and solve any challenge. His top value is communication, and he seeks to always add humor to every situation, while making complex concepts as simple and actionable as possible. 


...Brad is going to help you:
***Clearly define who you are as an entrepreneur: assets, liabilities, opportunities, threats.
***Identify the burning problems that plague you and the people around you.
***Create simple and elegant solutions, validate them, then bring them into the world.
***Connect your brilliant, validated idea to the team work that will make the dream work
***Connect your team to the marketplace, creating an abundant exchange of value (this is where the money part comes in)
***Help you create systems to scale your time, energy, finances, and ultimately help more people and create more abundant wealth than you ever thought possible.
*** Live the life of fulfillment and satisfaction that you've always dreamed of, while avoiding common pitfalls along the way, like losing all your money in bad investments (because what got you here will not get you there)
***GIVE of your overflowing wealth in a way that resonates with you, your values and the legacy that you want to leave. People who think money can't buy happiness, simply haven't given enough away yet. We all need a way to generate, grow and give in order to be a worthy steward of abundance. 
Because I believe that everyone has it within them to be an entrepreneur, because everyone has the ability to be an agent for change. Your gifts are capable of changing the world for the better, and I want to help.
A leader doesn't create more followers, they create more leaders. And I am a born leader.
Spoiler alertso are you. 
Are you ready to go on this journey together to work on yourself, and become an agent for change?
To master yourself, your ego, and become more powerful than you possibly can imagine? (Star Wars, I know) 
To step up and into the breach, adopt a buck stops with me attitude, and become the leader you were born to be? 
It all begins by taking the first step towards becoming a marble maker- our name for abundant entrepreneurs and investors who choose to collaborate and win bigger… choose one of my books and get started today! 

About Brad Hart

Founder - Make More Marbles

With 20 years as an entrepreneur and 16 years managing wealth under his belt, Brad is committed to helping entrepreneurs and investors reach their full potential, so they can focus on solving the grand challenges of our time. His company, Make More Marbles, is focused on helping them generate, grow and give wealth based on their core values. With his books and training, he helps leaders heal the world with masterminds and learn sound, time-tested principles for managing wealth. Brad is the author of the 8 Minute Mastermind and The 8 Minute Money Manager.

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“Brad is authentic. In a world where everything is delivered online or by an app, Brad gives what every human is craving: real, supportive human connection.”

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